5 Golden Digital Marketing Rules For The Medical Industry

Over the last two years, the internet has emerged as a reliable tool to access healthcare services, gain medical information, and explore learning options and business opportunities in the medical field. Previously, the medical industry thrived on offline connections, traditional advertising, and direct sales. But now, these go-to methods are competing with convenient and accessible digital health platforms. Telemedicine, remote care, virtual reality, AI, and wearable devices have penetrated the medical industry.

So, if you are a healthcare marketer, why not meet your clients where they look first, i.e., the internet? This is the best time to solidify your digital presence and connect with patients, researchers, doctors, analysts, decision-makers in healthcare organizations, and other healthcare professionals.

To expand your digital marketing operations, here are 5 rules you must follow.

#1 Understand Your Audience’s Needs

All digital marketing strategies are heavily customer-centric. Addressing their needs directly is the only way to stand out and hold their attention.

Here is where you need to take some time to understand what your audience wants. Create a set of ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and then reach out to them with relevant information. You can look at your existing customers, collect data from surveys and online forms, or purchase third-party data.

This way, you will be able to understand what your ideal customer looks like. Since the medical industry is diverse, you may have a different ICP for every product or service you provide. So, it is a good strategy to segment your audience and then relay personalised messages to each segment.

#2 Establish Yourself As A Trusted Source of Information In The Healthcare Industry

Healthcare Industry

The internet is rife with misinformation. But, if you use your expertise to deliver valuable and genuine medical information, it will work wonders for your brand image.

The easiest way to put yourself out there is by starting a blog. Blogging is the cornerstone of any online content marketing strategy.  By maintaining an updated blog with high-quality content, you can attract more visitors to your website and convert them into marketing-qualified leads. Having a goldmine of information and resources will also instill a sense of trust in your readers.

Another helpful strategy is to promote your blog on several marketing channels. For example, you can link your blog posts to your social media accounts, guest post on other platforms, and include updates about your latest blog posts in your newsletter.

#3 Don’t Forget To Optimize Your Content For Search Engines

SEO (search engine optimization) is a must if you want to make your voice heard in the healthcare market. The aim of SEO is to make your website rank high on the search engine results page to garner more views and clicks. To begin, understand what your audience is looking for with keyword research and then try to understand the intent behind those keywords. Then, create content which is relevant to those search terms.

For example, you may find that customers are searching for “How to improve respiratory function,” and you have a product that can help address this concern. So, start writing blogs about this topic and directly answer this question. Then, you can build a cluster of interlinked blogs around this subject that answers similar questions.

#4 Leverage Email Marketing

Leverage Email Marketing

Despite the rise of other communication channels, email still remains one of the most cost-effective and efficient tools for marketing in the healthcare industry. Here are some tips and tricks to make the most of your email campaigns:

  1. Automate your email campaigns. Set up automated follow-up emails, welcome emails, and promotional emails.
  2. Keep your subject lines short and to the point.
  3. Personalize your emails.
  4. Present valuable and relevant information in your emails and not sales pitches. Newsletters are an excellent way to deliver information, provide updates, and spark interest in your products!
  5. Always include a call to action prompting the user.
  6. To cast a wider net and reach out to as many interested users as possible, invest in a verified healthcare email list. Not only do they save you the hassle of building mailing lists from scratch, but they also help you discover new prospects and reach them effectively.

#5 Set Goals, Track, Measure, Improve, Repeat!

Set Goals, Track, Measure, Improve, Repeat

What sets digital marketing apart from traditional methods is efficient tracking. You can easily track the source of your website traffic, how your content is performing, how many people read your emails, and much more. So, set goals for yourself, track relevant metrics and observe how your campaigns are performing.

If a campaign underperforms, look for gaps and improve your efforts. If a particular marketing channel performs splendidly, keep investing more time and effort into it. This is not a one-time endeavor but a continuous process that will be immensely beneficial in the long run.